That's actually a very good record. Of course, it needs to be viewed in the light of:
(1) Not EVERYTHING the Society does is underhanded and duplicitous. Heck, even the Nazis dressed sharp, created the VW bug, built the Autobahn, etc. Of course, that doesn't even come CLOSE to ameliorating the evil teachings they promote and the real damage they do to ordinary people. Hmmm... is there a parallel here?
(2) The Society has powerful financial reasons to comply with trucking regulations. There are no customers demanding refunds for late shipments, no drivers or mechanics clamoring for overtime. Fines for repeated or egregious violations can be quite heavy. And if, as I believe, they are self-insured, any losses from accidents and/or lawsuits therefrom could be very expensive. It's just good sense to play by the rules. Nobody ever said the Society was stupid with their money.
That said, I believe the Society as it exists now is driven by two overriding prime directives:
(1) Protect their financial interests through the use of shell corporations, secrecy and coverups anywhere exposure could cost them money, obfuscating the lines of authority by having positions such as pioneers and ministerial servants appointed locally or by traveling overseers instead of by the branch (so they can deny liability or responsibility for their actions), publishing self-serving written instructions that seem to establish one policy (reporting child abuse, for example) while verbally giving off-the-record conflicting instructions about the real way it's to be done, pressuring those injured on Society property or projects not to file lawsuits or even request medical expenses from them but instead to use their own personal health insurance, claiming that an individual's field service is a personal ministry and not a required or sponsored activity (so they can deny liability or responsibility for anything that might happen), and on and on...
(2) Accumulate as much wealth as possible as quickly as possible while not appearing to do so. The recent money grab and land grab is a spectacular example of this greed. Most regular JW's don't even realize what happened. And fewer still have any idea of its magnitude. They were screwed over royally and don't even know it. And there are other underhanded schemes like determining the amount a circuit is to donate to the Society from the proceeds of a given assembly in order to guarantee there will be a "deficit" early on the last day and thus manipulate the "brothers" into contributing more, pressuring members into using only certain hotels so the Society can get kickbacks, making individuals buy their own trolley carts and furnish their own literature and then demanding that any contributions be turned over in full, etc., etc.
The Society is run by lawyers and accountants. Any pretense at a "spiritual" purpose is a sideshow, a distraction to hide what it's really about.